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  • Writer's pictureMr Eccentric



Hey Chamberlains. My oh my has it been long. One year to be exact. I am deeply sorry for those who were loyal readers. I had an on/off situation whenever it came to posting. How so? You may ask. Well, it's coz I had to focus on my education ( Yup, I graduated! Yass!!!) and also balancing at the time was not easy.

Quick update on my life. Um, graduated with a SCU in Communication, currently tarmacking and I got myself boo'd up. Anywho, moving onto the topic for today. Hope you paid your trash bill because apparently I am to be in a can right now awaiting my collectors. Grab a chair or coffee or your shades. Today I spill it all.

"Men are trash!" My how this statement is slowly causing havoc and misogyny all at once. For starters, with all crimes being committed on rape, theft, murder, let's face it. Most of these crimes are committed by who? MEN! Hapo sifichi! (Not lying there) But really, who are usually the first to point fingers? All of us really, regardless gender. I mean it's vile that my representation of masculinity commit al these crimes. Can we also talk about bullying, domestic violence, disrespect of women, objectifying of women? Yet no one seems to do anything about it. Where are the men to reclaim their title and shun the chauvinists who slain their title?

It honestly saddens me and infuriates at the same time because the equality I advocate for, the justice I fight for, usually has no preference, see I was brought up by a strong woman whom I am privileged to call Mother. And some of the values she said I always hold dear were respect, equality, justice and honesty. Now tell me, how comes these values aren't withheld by some of these women who go around screaming, "Men are Trash!" How would your father feel? Your brother? Your cousins? Uncles? Friends? Boyfriend? HOW SIS? HOW???

Before the feminists come and start attacking, I am one too it, Please note I am writing to address a conversation that affects equally in distribution men who are indeed trash and women who just subjectify all men. Subjectify? Hmm, new word alert. Anywho, lemme start off with the gents. Fellas sorry but it has to be said. We all aren't perfect. Especially the masochistic macho men. These types honestly make me sick. These are the men who judge quickly, "Ule chali ni chichi juu hulia!" ( that dude must be a sissy coz he cries) or " Ule dame ni mrahisi kuchipo" ( that chic is easy af to fxxk with) or " Me siezi fanya vitu zingine za nyumba. Mboch ni wa?" ( I just can't do some house chores, what is the help for?)

Seriously? And you still consider yourself the upfront man? Lemme tell you something. If you think this buffs you up as the ideal man? That girl round the corner will dump you asap. Your mother would be ashamed, not outwardly, but deep within. Your lady friends would be like, "How the heck did we end up with him?" I personally hate these types of men. Bores the hell out of me.

Values like the ones I stated above need to now be taught to every little boy growing right now. I am not saying you weren't raised right, you were but these vices most of y'all either weren't or were influenced by the boys and it honestly needs to stop. When a woman gives her opinion, or says no, or isn't interested, take it all in, breathe out, accept and respect it and walk away. Didn't hurt anyone. Same applies to any other person regardless of race, age, sexuality . Especially men who judge based on the mentioned segregation, these men I truly say can be called Trash! Your way of thinking needs to stop like yesterday. And it's mostly Kenyan/African men, we are so stereotyped to follow culture, a culture that needs to revolve for the betterment of society. You get? Hope I've made some impact. Men, your portion ends here, feel free to read on or leave a like when you post out.

Now to the ladies...

You are entitled to your opinion. True. Some of y'all I stand with in solidarity, after-all, respect brings out equality. I get it that some douche might have hurt you, or even raped (Sorry if you experienced this), or beaten, insulted and even body shamed. These types of men (if they done it) deserve every inch of remorse or disgust you throw their way. But tell me this. Do the men in your life who actually love you, treat you right deserve the slogan "MEN ARE TRASH?" Tell me. Yes? Sis if yes, you need help and love. If no, continue reading on. This is meant for you.

Feminist, a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. Note, sexes, not women alone. Some women I see and have read, seen their snaps, have this resentment towards all men, yet I wonder, do their fathers, brothers, friends cont too for this resentment? Nah, of course not. Because they're hypocrites who only choose to separate their own 'men' separate. You're in every right too but that's not what Chimamanda says. I find these type of women to be baseless and very hypocritical.

Body shaming now. Wheeeew, can y'all make a man's ego bruised. Women's too. I read somewhere a woman's worst enemy is her own kind. But ladies tell me, why do you think you have a right to body shame men? Yet when men do such, we are perceived as pigs, trash, dogs, wow, dogs! Eh? tell me, that is the time some sista will call all her friends to go attack that man on social media. Lemme tell you, Kelly Rowland says on the track survivor, "You know I'm not gon diss you on the internet, coz my mama taught me better than that." Sis, are you still with me? Okay. So why do some of y'all feel objectified to subjectify some men? Double standard much? This happened after seeing a post today on my Instagram. It seemed petty but then it hit me, what if I posted that , all feminists would come my way with insults and stuff. But since you're a woman, it's okay to make fun of a man to your friends? Then can I also say, "Women are Trash???"

Respect will promote the equality amongst all sexes as I said in the beginning. Honesty will breech out any hard feelings amongst the sexes. So try to be kind to one another, try to single out who needs that slogan, that resentment from the innocents who don't need to be offended by that. Are we cool? If you feel I may have imposed negatively , the handles are below for you to contact me.

Share, Like, Comment and Subscribe. Till next time Chamberlains, I'm out. #MR_ECCENTRIC

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